Self catering

BOOK NOWWe know that it's helpful to understand what you can expect to be supplied at the property and what you need to bring with you or buy. The property is self-catering and has a well equipped kitchen for you to use.


There are also a lot of local outlets for takeaway (free parking after 1800 in most car parks) and delivery. If you wish to eat out as a large group then you will need to book places in advance.


We supply:

  • Bed linen plus a bath sheet and hand towel per guest.
  • Each bathroom will have 1 spare toilet roll.
  • A few tea-towels and oven gloves.
  • A 'get you going' supply of washing up liquid and dishwasher tablets.
  • Each bathroom has some basic toiletries such as shampoo and shower gel.
  • A couple of umbrellas are available for use by guests.


You will need to bring or purchase:

  • Toilet rolls for when the initial supply has been used up.
  • Kitchen roll, cling film, foil (although there may be some remaining from previous guests).
  • Dishcloths
  • Please bring your own towels for use at the beach or pool.

We can supply one travel cot but please bring your own bedding.

In Ilfracombe there are Tesco and Lidl supermarkets plus a number of convenience stores, greengrocer and butchers. 

You can pre-order a delivery from Tesco or Asda but please ensure that this will arrive after you have checked in. We are unlikely to have anyone available to help with large deliveries before you arrive, though will always do what we can to assist. There is a large fridge and separate large freezer in the kitchen plus a drinks fridge in the lounge.

Many of the local shops will also deliver, especially for large orders.

All Seasons Fruit and Veg - 01271 863105

Mike Turton - Butcher - 01271 863643

Lloyd Maunder - Butcher - 01271 862023

Edds - Farmbox - 01271 869191

Ivan Clarke - Catering Butcher - 01271 866155

Farmer Bob - Free range eggs - 07736 638935

Savona Foodservice - Catering supplier - 01271 862569

Guest Comments

We absolutely loved our stay at Marine Court, the accommodation was fantastic, very comfortable and with everything we could need. The bar and games rooms were a big hit and Paul was so helpful with ...

Claire Riley

Visit Ilfracombe North Devon

  • Sleeps up to 20 in 8 stylish bedrooms
  • All bedrooms have ensuite showers
  • Parking in private car park
  • Free WiFi
  • Games room with pool table
  • Commercial kitchen
  • Washer / dryer
  • No smoking property
  • Bar & drinks fridge
  • Pets welcome